Volunteer with us!
We welcome volunteers from across our diverse communities. We would happy to discuss how we can make volunteering work for you, including making reasonable adjustments and providing training or other support.
Events vounteer
We are looking for volunteers to help us run our own events, as well as to attend other organisations’ events as part of our outreach to local people. Download the role description and contact us if you would like to dicuss the role or to be sent the short application form.
On the Move! walks volunteer
We are looking for volunteers to support our monthly walks for LGBTQ+ people and allies. The walks will restart in March 2025. There are a number of ways you can support us to run the walks and activities. There is also the option of planning and leading walks and training can be provided for this. Download the role description to find out more and contact us if you would like to discuss the role or to be sent the short application form.